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We assusme a scenario, which includes following goals:

  • Rapidly refactor exsiting workflows
  • Integrate with existing system without harshness
  • Leverage the inteligence power in Google Cloud
  • Highly scalable and flexible
  • Support event-driven or scheduled-task

Accomplish those goals we designed a serverless based architecture with the least effort and most cost-effective manner.

High-level Architecture



  • gcloud,
  • jq,
  • curl

  • Enable APIs in Google Cloud for following demo

# Enable services API in gcloud if not done yet
gcloud services enable \ \ \ \ \


# 1. Initial environment variables 
export GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT=play-with-anthos-340801
export BUCKET=$GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT-demo-invoices
export PROCESSOR_NAME=invoice-parser-us
export REGION=us-central1

# 2. Create bucket for storage the files of invoice
gsutil mb -l $REGION gs://$BUCKET

# 3. Create the processor from Document AI
cat << __EOF__ > request.json
  "displayName": "${PROCESSOR_NAME}"

curl -X POST \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth application-default print-access-token)" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8" \
    -d @request.json \
    "$GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT/locations/us/processors" > out.txt
PROCESSOR_ID=`cat out.txt |jq -r ".name"|awk -F"/" '{print $6}'`

curl -X GET \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth application-default print-access-token)" \

# 4. Provision Cloud Run Services to uploader
gcloud run deploy uploader --region $REGION --quiet \
    --source uploader/ \
    --set-env-vars BUCKET=$BUCKET \

# 5. Provision Cloud Run Services to view/approve
gcloud run deploy reviewer --region $REGION --quiet \
    --source reviewer/ \
    --set-env-vars BUCKET=$BUCKET \

# 6. Provision Cloud Run Jobs to process invoices. Run Service to kick off Job
gcloud run deploy kicker --region $REGION --quiet \
    --source kicker/ \
    --set-env-vars JOB_NAME=invoice-processing \

gcloud beta run jobs create invoice-processing \
    --image$GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT/invoice-processor \
    --region $REGION \
    --set-env-vars BUCKET=$BUCKET \
    --set-env-vars PROCESSOR_ID=$PROCESSOR_ID

# 7. Create a trigger to Cloud Run Jobs
SERVICE_ACCOUNT="$(gsutil kms serviceaccount -p play-with-anthos-340801)"

gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding play-with-anthos-340801 \
    --member="serviceAccount:${SERVICE_ACCOUNT}" \

gcloud eventarc triggers create bucket-events-trigger-run-kicker \
   --destination-run-service=kicker \
   --destination-run-region=us-central1 \
   --event-filters="" \
   --event-filters="bucket=$BUCKET" \ \

# 8. Validation
# Copy files into bucket and triggering the process
gsutil cp -r incoming/*.pdf gs://$BUCKET/incoming
gsutil cp -r incoming/brass-curve-1311.pdf gs://$BUCKET/incoming/01-brass-curve-1311.pdf

# Or use uploader to upload a file 
open `gcloud run services describe uploader --region $REGION --format json|jq -r ".status.url"`

# Checkout demo through simple UI
open `gcloud run services describe reviewer --region $REGION --format json|jq -r ".status.url"`
