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Gateway API Hands-on Labs


The sample labs in this section demonstrate how to use the Gateway API to configure a Gateway and expose a service to external traffic. The labs are based on the Gateway API and GKE Gateway features.



1. Enable APIs, such as GKE, GKE Hub, and GKE Multi-cluster Ingress (MCI), etc. in your projects

# Environment variables
export PROJECT_ID=play-api-service
export PROJECT_NUMBER=374299782509

# Enable APIs
gcloud services enable \ \ \ \ \ \

2. Provision a GKE cluster with Gateway API, or enable existed GKE clutser

# Create a GKE cluster with Gateway API
gcloud container clusters create pt-cluster-4 \
    --gateway-api=standard \
    --release-channel=Rapid \

# Enable Gateway API for an existing GKE cluster
gcloud container clusters update pt-cluster-4 \
    --gateway-api=standard \

# Verify the cluster
kubectl get gatewayclass

3. Checkout the sample code

git clone
cd awesome-gke/gatewayclass

Lab 1. External Gateway using Certificate Manager with wildcard domain

1.1 Create a certificate map

# Enable Certificate Manager API
gcloud services enable

# Create a DNS Authorization to validate your certificate. Example here is my personal domain and reigstered in GoDaddy, you can use your own domain.
gcloud certificate-manager dns-authorizations create dns-auth-cc4i-xyz \

# !!!Returning DNS resource record needs to be added as CNAME into your DNS configuration !!!

# Create a certificate
gcloud beta certificate-manager certificates create store-cc4i-xyz-cert \
    --domains=",*" \

# Create a certificate map
gcloud beta certificate-manager maps create store-cc4i-xyz-map

# Create a certificate map entry for wildcard domain
gcloud beta certificate-manager maps entries create store-cc4i-xyz-map-entry1 \
    --map=store-cc4i-xyz-map \
    --hostname="*" \

# Create a certificate map entry for root domain
gcloud beta certificate-manager maps entries create store-cc4i-xyz-map-entry2 \
    --map=store-cc4i-xyz-map \
    --hostname="" \

References: - DNS Authorization - Secure a gateway

1.2 Create a Gateway

# Create a Gateway
kubectl apply -f single-https/gateway.yaml

# Verify the Gateway
kubectl describe external-http

1.3 Deployment demo application

# Deploy the demo application
kubectl apply -f single-https/store.yaml
kubectl get pods
kubectl get service

# Check Gateway IP
kubectl get external-http -o=jsonpath="{.status.addresses[0].value}"

# Apply the http route
kubectl apply -f single-https/store-route-external.yaml

References: - Demo applications - HTTPRoute

1.4 Use shared Gateways

# Used as a shared Gateway
kubectl apply -f single-https/site.yaml
# Apply the http route
kubectl apply -f single-https/site-route-external.yaml

Lab 2. Configuring a static IP for a Gateway

2.1 Create a static IP address


gcloud compute addresses create test-public-ip-cc4i-xyz \
    --global \

2.2 Create a Gateway with static IP

# Apply the Gateway with static IP
kubectl apply -f single-https/named-ip-gateway.yaml 

Lab 3. Multi-cluster gateway

3.1 Craete multiple GKE clusters in different regions

# Create multiple GKE clusters in different regions
gcloud container clusters create gke-west-1 \
    --gateway-api=standard \
    --zone=us-west1-a \
    --workload-pool=${PROJECT_ID} \
    --cluster-version=1.25.6-gke.1000 \

gcloud container clusters create gke-west-2 \
    --gateway-api=standard \
    --zone=us-west1-a \
    --workload-pool=${PROJECT_ID} \
    --cluster-version=1.25.6-gke.1000 \

gcloud container clusters create gke-east-1 \
    --gateway-api=standard \
    --zone=us-east1-b \
    --workload-pool=${PROJECT_ID} \
    --cluster-version=1.25.6-gke.1000 \

# Rename the context
kubectl config rename-context gke_${PROJECT_ID}_us-west1-a_gke-west-1 gke-west-1
kubectl config rename-context gke_${PROJECT_ID}_us-west1-a_gke-west-2 gke-west-2
kubectl config rename-context gke_${PROJECT_ID}_us-east1-b_gke-east-1 gke-east-1

3.2 Register to the fleet

# Register to the fleet
gcloud container fleet memberships register gke-west-1 \
     --gke-cluster us-west1-a/gke-west-1 \
     --enable-workload-identity \

gcloud container fleet memberships register gke-west-2 \
     --gke-cluster us-west1-a/gke-west-2 \
     --enable-workload-identity \

gcloud container fleet memberships register gke-east-1 \
     --gke-cluster us-east1-b/gke-east-1 \
     --enable-workload-identity \

# Try following command to add permission to service account if you got error ralated to permission!!!
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${PROJECT_ID} --member \
    serviceAccount:service-${PROJECT_NUMBER} \
    --role "roles/gkehub.connect"

# Validate the membership
gcloud container fleet memberships list --project=${PROJECT_ID}

3.3 Enable multi-cluster services

# Enable multi-cluster services API
gcloud container fleet multi-cluster-services enable \
    --project ${PROJECT_ID}

# Grant IAM permission required for multi-cluster services
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${PROJECT_ID} \
     --member "serviceAccount:${PROJECT_ID}[gke-mcs/gke-mcs-importer]" \
     --role "roles/compute.networkViewer" \

# Choose member cluster, which would host the resource for multi-cluster Gateway
gcloud container fleet ingress enable \
    --config-membership=gke-west-1 \

# Validate the ingress
gcloud container fleet ingress describe --project=${PROJECT_ID}

# Grant IAM permission required for multi-cluster services
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${PROJECT_ID} \
    --member "serviceAccount:service-${PROJECT_NUMBER}" \
    --role "roles/container.admin" \

# Validate the GatewayClass
kubectl get gatewayclasses --context=gke-west-1

3.4 Deploy demo application into all clusters

# Deploy demo application into all clusters
kubectl apply --context gke-west-1 -f multi/multi-store.yaml
kubectl apply --context gke-west-2 -f multi/multi-store.yaml
kubectl apply --context gke-east-1 -f multi/multi-store.yaml

kubectl apply -f store-west-service.yaml --context gke-west-1
kubectl apply -f store-east-service.yaml --context gke-east-1 --namespace store

# Validate the deployment
kubectl get serviceexports --context gke-east-1 -n store
kubectl get serviceimports --context gke-east-1 -n store

3.5 Deploy external http Gateway

# Deploy external http Gateway
kubectl apply -f multi/external-http-gateway.yaml --context gke-west-1 --namespace store

# Apply the http route
kubectl apply -f multi/public-route-external.yaml --context gke-west-1 --namespace store

# Validate the Gateway
kubectl describe external-http --context gke-west-1 --namespace store

3.6 Validate deployment

# Get the IP of the Gateway
kubectl get gateway -n store
kubectl get external-http \
    -o=jsonpath="{.status.addresses[0].value}" --context gke-west-1 --namespace store

# Take a while to sync all routes into GLB

curl -H "host:"
curl -H "host:"
curl -H "host:"

Reference: - Enable Multi-cluster Gateway - Fleet

Lab 4. Capacity-based load balancing

4.1 Prepare clusters if not done in previous steps

kubectl get gatewayclasses --context=gke-west-1

4.2 Deploy the demo application

# Deploy the application into all clusters
kubectl apply -f capacity-based-glb/store-traffic-deploy.yaml --context gke-west-1
kubectl apply -f capacity-based-glb/store-traffic-deploy.yaml  --context gke-east-1
kubectl apply -f capacity-based-glb/store-service.yaml --context gke-west-1
kubectl apply -f capacity-based-glb store-service.yaml --context gke-east-1

4.3 Deploy external http Gateway

# Deploy external http Gateway
kubectl apply -f store-route.yaml --context gke-west-1
# Validate the Gateway
kubectl describe store -n traffic-test --context gke-west-1

4.4 Testing the Gateway

# Get the IP of the Gateway

# Take a while to sync all routes into GLB
kubectl get store -n traffic-test \
    --context=gke-west-1 \

# Add a load generator to the cluster
kubectl run --context=gke-west-1 -i --tty --rm loadgen  \
    --image=cyrilbkr/httperf  \
    --restart=Never  \
    -- /bin/sh -c 'httperf  \
    --server=  \
    --hog --uri="/zone" --port 80  --wsess=100000,1,1 --rate 10'

# Fetch metrics from Monitoring & observe the traffic distribution
fetch https_lb_rule
| metric ''
| filter (resource.url_map_name =='gkemcg1-traffic-test-store-armvfyupay1t')
| align rate(1m)
| every 1m
| group_by [resource.backend_scope],

# Add more traffic to cluster & observe the traffic distribution
kubectl run --context=gke-west-1 -i --tty --rm loadgen  \
    --image=cyrilbkr/httperf  \
    --restart=Never  \
    -- /bin/sh -c 'httperf  \
    --server=  \
    --hog --uri="/zone" --port 80  --wsess=100000,1,1 --rate 30'

Reference: - Capacity-based load balancing