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Checklist for GKE

  • [X] Have a high level architecture of your applications and map them into a Kubernetes cluster, think about how they're going to deploy and run.

  • [X] Public vs priavte GKE Cluster

    • Control plane (API) endpoint accessbility
    • Public vs. private IPs for nodes
    • Node service accounts
    • Accessibility of node metadata
  • [X] Planning networking

    • Plan Pod density per node
    • Planning IP ranges for: nodes, pods, services, control plane, load balancer (maybe), etc.
    • Routes-based or VPC-native
    • Single VPC, shared VPC, VPC Peering, or Open-Hybrid
    • NATs
  • [X] Cluster security

    • Restrict access to the control plane
    • Limit access with IAM service accounts
    • Periodically rotate credentials
    • Secret encryption
    • Isolation based on communication needs for multi-tenancy
    • Workload identity
    • RBAC
  • [X] Capacity and scalability

    • Capacity of nodes based on your requirement, such as CPU, GPU or TPU, etc.
    • Node Auto Provison (NAP)
    • Node pool autoscaling
    • Horizontal Pod autoscaling (HPA)
    • Vertical Pod autoscaling (VPA)
    • Multidimensional Pod autoscaling
    • Customized cluster autoscaler with community edition
  • [X] Storage

    • Zonal or regional persistent storage
    • Shared storage
    • Object storage
    • Require curtain IOPS of storage
  • [X] Operational capability

    • Enroll to a right channel: Rapid, Regular or Stable
    • GKE or GKE Autopilot
    • Zonal or regional cluster
    • Maintainace window
    • Metrics, logging and tracing
    • Backup for GKE
    • Runtime security monitoring - Security Posture
    • CI/CD
  • [X] Running services on GKE

    • Using Service Mesh
    • Multi-cluster
    • Service discovery across multiple clusters
    • KubeDNS or Cloud DNS
    • Configuration
    • Ingress or Gateway API
